LADAKH: called “the moonland “, “Little Tibet” or maybe a lot of romantically as “the last Shangri La”, Ladakh is that the most remote region of Asian country, a barren, nearly dry space. Ladakh beckons for quite one reason. The defiance of its barren landscape, its distinctive flora and fauna, its culture, its clear blue skies and clean air, the land wherever snow ne’er melts and solely corn ripens, has a lot of to supply a decent vacation.Ladakh bike trip always add an extra amount of fun and excitement to a tour to this Land of High Passes.

Day 1 : Your bike journey to Ladakh starts today. Report in Srinagar and get hold on the bikes followed by an overnight stay.

Day 2:Get the bikes on the road and ride to Kargil via Sonmarg and through the Zojila Pass (11,500ft), Drass.

Day 3:Today, ride to Leh via Lamayuru cloister (oldest cloister in Ladakh) and conjointly visit Lamayuru moreover because the �Moonland� Hills. The day�s ride also will get you acclimatised to the high altitudes; long keep in an exceedingly native Leh building.
Day 4:Start the day with associate degree early departure for Pangong Lake through the Chang-la pass (17370 ft). relish a session of looking at Pangong Tso Lake (where a neighborhood of the Hindi motion-picture show three idiots was shot). once looking, arrival into the camp for associate degree long keep close to the lake.

Day 5:Start the day with associate degree early departure for Pangong Lake through the Chang-la pass (17370 ft). relish a session of looking at Pangong Tso Lake (where a neighborhood of the Hindi motion-picture show three idiots was shot). once looking, arrival into the camp for associate degree long keep close to the lake.

Day 6:Proceed to Hunder from Pangong Tso Lake via Wari La- Nubra vale within the morning. Upon reaching sand dunes, one will relish a artiodactyl expedition as Associate in Nursing elective perk. Later within the day, examine a set camp at Hundar for long keep.

Day 7:Proceed to Hunder from Pangong Tso Lake via Wari La- Nubra vale within the morning. Upon reaching sand dunes, one will relish a artiodactyl expedition as Associate in Nursing elective perk. Later within the day, examine a set camp at Hundar for long keep.
Day 8:Enjoy a leisure day and hand over the bikes to the authority. Spend the rest of the day in local sightseeing.

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